January 20, 2025
Holy Hill, Maroli, Mangalore

Holy Hill, Mangalore

3.7/5 - (3 votes)

Holy Hill

Karnataka 575007

Email: holyhillcross@yahoo.com


Holy Hill, Maroli, Mangalore
Holy Hill, Maroli, Mangalore
Holy Hill, Maroli, Mangalore
Holy Hill, Maroli, Mangalore
Holy Hill, Maroli, Mangalore
Holy Hill, Maroli, Mangalore

About Holy Hill by holyhillmangalore.com

The history of this holy place is 16 years old. God choose Mr. Paul Rodrigues to be the founder of this Holy Hill on which the cross is erected. Right from his childhood Paul Rodrigues was close to God. He used to spend hours together in prayer and meditation inspiring others along with him. He used to spend his time in meditation with his non Christian friend Mr. Satish K. near Kadri Hill or on Mary Hill in Bondel.

In 1993 when he was in meditation he got a vision and a message from the Lord. He saw a hilly place with greenery all around it. “The place you are in search of is close to the highway on a hilly place. Go and search for it”. The power of the Holy Sprit took him to the Holy Hill which is on the left side of National Highway 17 that passes through Nanthoor crossing the Pumpwell circle. At the top of Holy Hill he saw a land of 6 cents and felt that this is the place chosen by the Lord.

The owner of this place was Mr. Devendra Anchan. His wife Mrs. Rajani Anchan had a dream of Jesus Christ after 3 a.m. in the morning. He told her “I have sent Paul Rodrigues to buy the land from you. You have to sell him the land for the rate promised. I will bless you abundantly. Tell your husband about this”. As guided she told about this to Mr. Devendra Anchan. He said that he too felt the same voice and the words echoing in his mind after which he not only sold his 6 cents land but also helped in getting other pieces of land one 10 cents and other 30 cents from other owners. Paul Registered the same on the date Jesus gave him 7th April 1994.

Paul with Satish went up the hill for prayer when even in scorching sun they could hardly feel the heat. While praying Paul received message from the Lord “This is my dwelling place. I will hear the prayers of all people from here”.

In 1995 on Easter Sunday when Mr. K. S. Chacko owner of the 80 cents land was taking a nap he had an unusual dream where he saw a cross raised on the top of a hill, thousands of people were praying at the foot of it. Many were climbing the hill and getting down from it. He got up from his sleep and stared praying, he got a message that God wanted the place. So he not only sold the land to Paul but also inspired Keshava Acharya to sell his land.

On 17th June 1997, Paul got a message from Jesus saying that “A cross has to be raised here”. He got this word of God. John 3:14 “ As Moses lifted the bronze snake on a pole in the desert, in the same way the Son of Man must be lifted so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life”

On 17th July 1997, Rev. Fr. Lawrence Castelino S.J. who was the spiritual director of the charismatic retreats laid the foundation for raising the cross.

On 24th September 1997, as per the rules and regulation given to Bro. Bernard Fernandes a prayer group member the place was named as Holy Hill. The same day was chosen to be the inauguration day for the cross. Late Fr. Francis Rebello inaugurated the same at 5 p.m. with Rev. Fr. John D’souza parish priest Angelore parish, Rev. Fr. Louis Fernandes S.J., Rev. Fr. Pius Fidelus Pinto and other religious brethren blessing the same. While blessing the land, one question arose if it is possible to sprinkle holy water on the whole 2.42 acres land due to lack of time. But suddenly as if showers of blessing were pouring from heaven, the whole place was showered by the rain drops as long and the sprinkling of holy water ceremony went on. It proved that there was no doubt that God has chosen this place to be his dwelling place.

On 22nd October 1997 Paul got a message to fast and pray. Accordingly 17 members of the prayer group were continuing prayer after their regular prayers when all of a sudden at 8 p.m. rain started pouring over then and they were happy. One of then was feeling sick and did not want to get wet in the rain. At that moment Paul got a message “Jesus says I am giving you Holy Baptism so no one goes back”. When people were going back they saw the whole area dry except the cross and the place sound it

On 9th April 2004, Rev. Fr. Bonifas Pinto told ” If we go through history we come to know that Jesus was crucified on the cross on 7th April 0030 at 12 noon”. After 10 years Paul came to know why Jesus selected the date 7th April 1994 to be the date of registration of the Holy Hill. Immediately after this Paul purchase 116 cents of land around Holy Hill.

The peculiarity of this height is different. It has a unique natural beauty. The scenery is so beautiful that you start praising and thanking the Lord. From here you can see the whole city of Mangalore with a new look, 7 churches with all their grandeur and holiness. When Paul prayed to the Lord to tell why he has chosen the Holy Hill, he got this message. Ezek 17:22-24.
This is what the Sovereign Load says:
I will take the top of a tall cedar and break off tender sprouts;
I will plant it on a high mountain, on Israel’s highest mountain;
It will grow and branches and bear seed and become a magnificent cedar.
Birds of every kind will live there and find shelter in its shade.
All trees in the land will know that I am the Lord.
I cut down the tall trees and make small trees grow tall
I wither up the green trees and make the dry trees become green.
I, the Lord, have spoken. I will do what I have said I would do.

Miracles big or small have happened here. Many a times we see sudden drops of sprinkling water, people getting rid of pains and diseases, becoming free from bondage of the evil sprits just by looking at the cross and lot more miracles going on here. He has various ways to lead us to him. To prove this He has chosen the Holy Hill to be his dwelling place.


Text Source: holyhillmangalore.com